Virtual Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I'm curious as to when we will finally hit the ratio of $0.01 to 1 Gigabyte.
I'm quietly waiting for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 terabyte harddrive . But for now I guess I will be satisfied with having a 16 gigabyte Micro SD Card in my R4i.
I have a love/hate relationship with digital memory because of how prices are always,and I mean always dropping. I hate buying Micro SD Cards for my R4 / R4i at (what seems to be) a bargain price only to see it become a whole lot cheaper a few weeks later.
(Posted by Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] NetSurf)
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Hi There I need some advice I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a loft I'mclosing on. Can you peoplegive me a good recommendation of where is the leadingdeal on these? I live in Boston and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation. I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
Virtual Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I'm curious as to when we will finally hit the ratio of $0.01 to 1 Gigabyte.
I'm quietly waiting for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 terabyte harddrive . But for now I guess I will be satisfied with having a 16 gigabyte Micro SD Card in my R4i.
(Submitted on BPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)
I have a love/hate relationship with digital memory because of how prices are always,and I mean always dropping. I hate buying Micro SD Cards for my R4 / R4i at (what seems to be) a bargain price only to see it become a whole lot cheaper a few weeks later.
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Hi There
I need some advice
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a loft I'mclosing on.
Can you peoplegive me a good recommendation of where is the leadingdeal on these? I live in Boston and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
looking forward to your reply
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
Mike Millican
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